Albums currently kicking your ass


Vocals that come roaring from the void, dry semi-technical riffs suspended by a web of melody, pulsing bass, methodical drumming, an overall progressive disposition. I love this album. I especially like the Incantation-style riffing in "The Exanimate and the Movement" and the nods to early Death in "Dreaming Beyond the Darkness."

Chilean existentialist death metal mastery.
Yeah, you're in good shape.


Tribulation. Kinda reminds me of Fields of the Nephilim at times. Badass.


Summoning. This grows with every listen, but the boys really need to mix things up on the next album.


So this is melting my face off. Death/thrash rampage!
Still need to check out that new Tribulation. That Chemicaust sounds interesting too!
Damn, that was one of the first bands I ever played a show with ever. I had no idea they were still kicking. Glad to see that name getting around. I need to check that album out.

I was a huge fan of them when they went by the name Meathole Infection and was very disappointed when they changed their name and style, but in hindsight I was a fool. Grave Ritual are vastly superior and it took me this long to realize that. Sick fucking band, I love the sheer density of their sound.
I was a huge fan of them when they went by the name Meathole Infection and was very disappointed when they changed their name and style, but in hindsight I was a fool. Grave Ritual are vastly superior and it took me this long to realize that. Sick fucking band, I love the sheer density of their sound.

Man, guess they've been around a while. Show I was talking about was like 8 years ago. Still one of my favorite flyers
Haven't gotten a chance to get through that album you posted yet, but the quick sample I listened to sounded great. Gonna put this one on my work playlist tomorrow.

Edit: damn... thought it wouldn't be this hard to get an image to show. It's not all that important I guess
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