To each their own. I've got nothing against worship bands if they're worshipping the stuff I wish there was more of. Leprosy is my hands down favorite death album by far, but if I spin it day after day I'm going to burn myself out. This is like a new outlet. Did I read it correctly that you haven't listened to it? Or am I mistaken? I still think it's worth giving a shot if that's the case. The songs are still original and fresh. The stylistic elements are just familiar to Death fans.
He also played in Noothgrush. Sick sludge metal band.
Yeah, pretty much me too. I don't dislike Gruesome by any means, but Death released a shitload of albums so why bother with them. Bands who play worship metal that base their sound on very shortlived bands are cooler.
no im not sure where you read that i haven't lsitend to it. I actually bought the album way before reading that interview.
I dont have problems with cover bands either, i just dont listen to them because i think it's pointless. And nothing on that album sounds original or fresh to my ears, which in no way is a make or break for me. But the case here is rather different as i already explained to you why i lost respect for them. What im basically saying is that i dont listen to or support that band.
oh and we just went through this about a month or two ago, but i dont get "burned out" on my favorite bands, especially when its albums i consider to be all time favorites.
my favorite Harvey project is Dekapitator ....
Necrocracy and Death Revenge are pretty good too. And yeah man he's all over the place but still somehow manages to release a bunch of quality stuff.Pounder was pretty cool. Dig Dekapitator a lot as well but not quite as much as Gruesome personally. Just ticks the right boxes for me. Been a while since I listened to Exhumed but All Guts No Glory was fantastic. I'm with TB on that, though I do enjoy the earlier work to an extent. Crazy that one man can have so many projects