Albums currently kicking your ass

Benediction - The Grotesque / Ashen Epitaph

Benediction - The Dreams You Dread

OSDM goodness
these guys are ridiculously awesome and talented, this one might have Concealed beat imo

Quintessence. :cool: "Colossus" is a fantastic song though.

I love Empiricism, but it seems to be shunned by most Borknagar fans.

That said, The Olden Domain has risen to the top of the list for me. I used to love Quintessence the most, but the pagan/folk aspect of The Olden Domain and Garm's vocals have steadily increased its level. I can listen to the entire thing without ever feeling bored or skipping a track.

I love 'em all...I even praise EPIC...So underrated...I love Garm but I like Empiricism. I gave Olden Domain a listen last night...I gotta give it another today, One thing I didn't like from Borknagar was Origin...It stunk, I can't wait for that new album.