Albums currently kicking your ass


wow, Mort Divine and I agree on something. this can't be real, can it?

I know right, but I love tons of sludge and tons of punk anyways so it is inevitable that we'd agree on a band like Neurosis.

No This is one of the most unique bands in metal... Neurosis is roach excrement



I agree that motW are incredibly unique, but to downplay the greatness and uniqueness of Neurosis is proof of possession of an extra chromosome.
Deserve some recognition.


On Thorns I lay - Crystal tears


It's a shame I haven't heard the rest of their discography considering how amazing these two releases are.
In respone to the Avulsed cover... a 4 armed woman is sewing a large cut in her arm up whilst coaxing a scorpion into stinging her. She's already cut her nose and top lip from her head and has cut a large hole in her torso and jammed a cross inside herself. She has also carved a large pentagram on herself and slashed at her neck.