Today I blasted Nachash's full length, Chained to Hell by Deathhammer and the Wastelander CD-r demo while playing vidya. Especially enjoyed Chained to Hell, I think it's finally starting to click with me and I might even say it's their second best album for me, the title track is so damn good!
Started a new file on Fallout 4 today because I was bored as fuck, and because it had been awhile I brainfarted at the part in Concord where you face the game's first deathclaw in the power suit with the mini-gun, I fucked up and didn't get in the power suit and had to fight the deathclaw with my measly beginner arsenal lmfao. It was so retarded but I managed to get it done.
Bethesda glitches are hilarious, at one point the deathclaw got trapped on a vehicle, glitched all over the screen and somehow ended up on top of a building! Then it frame-skipped and landed back on the ground...