Albums currently kicking your ass


Aoratos. Man, it sounds like that skull is the vocalist.

Really been digging this war/noise stuff coming out recently, anyone got any recs? Familar with these guys, Nyogthaeblisz, Reek of the Unzen Gas Fumes and Konflict.
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Really been digging this war/noise stuff coming out recently, anyone got any recs? Familar with these guys, Nyogthaeblisz, Reek of the Unzen Gas Fumes and Konflict.

Revenge have a new album out this year man. Also the guitarist of Tetragrammacide is in a ton of cool bands over the years, but JyotiṣavedāṅgaI in particular might be what you're looking for.

I have a couple recs:

Jyotiṣavedāṅga - Thermogravimetry Warp Continuum
Thecodontion - Jurassic
Heresiarch - Death Ordinance
Weregoat - Pestilential Rites of Infernal Fornication

Anything by Eggs of Gomorrh, Caveman Cult or Goatblood works too. I'm also a huge fan of Ch'ahom's weird 2016 demo.

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@mutantllama totally forgot about Intolitarian. Definitely in the realm of what you're after if you haven't already heard of them. Very chaotic war metal industrial grindcore mixture with spoken word parts and shit. Just a heads up though, I think they might be considered NSBM if that kind of thing bothers you.
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