Albums currently kicking your ass

Megace? Melanie Brock obv isn't on Monika Edvardsen's level but she occasionally dips a toe into that realm.

Thanks for the heads up. I actually have got that CD, which I had bought way back then because I had enjoyed their "This Is the News"-demo, but I liked the songs on the demo better and found the CD rather disappointing. After listening to the song you posted, "occasionally dipping a toe into that realm" sounds like a description I could agree with. Unfortunately, that's not enough for what I'm looking for, thus I will have to stick with what I've got.
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Been getting into weird/psychedelic death metal the past couple weeks- I knew of Venenum a few years ago with the amazing 'Trance of Death' but didn't really pursue the sound much further. Blood Incantation's 'Hidden History of the Human Race' got me looking back in that direction as there's definitely some elements of that weird/psych sound mixed with the more obvious OSDM vibe.

Obliteration - Cenotaph Obscure


Sweven - The Eternal Resonance (same dude from Morbus Chron)

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Been getting into weird/psychedelic death metal the past couple weeks- I knew of Venenum a few years ago with the amazing 'Trance of Death' but didn't really pursue the sound much further. Blood Incantation's 'Hidden History of the Human Race' got me looking back in that direction as there's definitely some elements of that weird/psych sound mixed with the more obvious OSDM vibe.

Tribulation's second album is a great entry into this obscure subgenre.
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Nice. Thanks guys! @Krow Just listened to the Bedsore album. Less ear-wormy compared to Sweven, but I dig the overall atmosphere/production more.

@CiG I think this Tribulation is an instant classic. Heard one of their latter albums and it seemed like a sorta cheesy goth-rock sound. This is wayyyy different!
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