Albums currently kicking your ass

Does anyone here like Korn? I've always hated them, but I came with up the idea of giving them an actual chance. Sadly, I can't listen to more than a handful of songs off a single album cause they're so shit. Particular tracks off some albums are quite enjoyable, but I am not able to listen to a full album of theirs, including their universally acclaimed debut, which is said to be the best nu-metal album ever released. For me, it's just Blind and maybe Shoots and Ladders off that first LP that I can stand, but the rest does nothing for me, or to go even further, these remaining tracks bore the shit out of me. What is your sentiment, guys, when it comes to Korn's oeuvre?
Does anyone here like Korn? I've always hated them, but I came with up the idea of giving them an actual chance. Sadly, I can't listen to more than a handful of songs off a single album cause they're so shit. Particular tracks off some albums are quite enjoyable, but I am not able to listen to a full album of theirs, including their universally acclaimed debut, which is said to be the best nu-metal album ever released. For me, it's just Blind and maybe Shoots and Ladders off that first LP that I can stand, but the rest does nothing for me, or to go even further, these remaining tracks bore the shit out of me. What is your sentiment, guys, when it comes to Korn's oeuvre?
Some slamming bass lines, the caveat though is the tone is ripped straight from Godflesh.


Every time I remember that this album exists I have to listen to it. Such a unique and cozy sound.

Hell yeah. I've been listening to this quite a bit recently and it just keeps getting better. Their best by a long shot imo.

pure darkness.jpg

Highly rec this for fans of old Absurd. I don't care for anything past 1999's Asgardsrei, but this absolutely rules.
Why do l keep getting an error message when l'm trying to upload a pic that is within the parameters? This has been an issue for a while. Just the same old pics l usually upload