Albums currently kicking your ass

Holy fuck I knew by the album art of this one. This shit is played by some disturbed motherfucker raised on guts and gore and Hooded Menace and Coffins. This nearly broke my fucking neck

Graverape - Exhuming Decay

Holy fuck I knew by the album art of this one. This shit is played by some disturbed motherfucker raised on guts and gore and Hooded Menace and Coffins. This nearly broke my fucking neck

Graverape - Exhuming Decay

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after listening to this and thinking about it… fucking hell man. The school shooter intro on the one song and the lyrics toward the end… someone in that band might actually murder somebody. Disturbed shit.
after listening to this and thinking about it… fucking hell man. The school shooter intro on the one song and the lyrics toward the end… someone in that band might actually murder somebody. Disturbed shit.

Not even going to lie I'm kind of scared to even type it in my search bar haha

Damn shame this album is so hard to come by.
As if naming your band Graverape, posting pictures of mutilated body chunks on your Instagram and lyrics that sound like you’re an angry incel with murder manifesto fantasies wasn’t enough.
As if naming your band Graverape, posting pictures of mutilated body chunks on your Instagram and lyrics that sound like you’re an angry incel with murder manifesto fantasies wasn’t enough.

I can't even imagine the creeps that dude attracts in his PM's haha
I guess I always give goregrind bands a pass for being goregrind. They're retarded. Doesnt mean they arent fun... just differently abled.
I guess I always give goregrind bands a pass for being goregrind. They're retarded. Doesnt mean they arent fun... just differently abled.

Using samples of Cartel executions and real snuff shit isn't really "being goregrind" though. Definitely crazier than the usual horror movie sample.
good shit
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Ditto. I've had this album on heavy rotation the past few weeks. Some of my favorite guitar work ever.

I like it better than Nightbringers and Abysmal. It's much more death metal than the other releases. Trevor's vocals also became much hoarser and a little bit lower than before; they sound crushingly good!
Not exactly helping my productivity, but goddamn is it kicking my ass. Evil Invaders.jpg

I like it better than Nightbringers and Abysmal. It's much more death metal than the other releases. Trevor's vocals also became much hoarser and a little bit lower than before; they sound crushingly good!

Honestly this was my introduction to them so I have little basis for comparison. I've worked my way backwards a little and enjoy Nightbringers as well. I think Brandon Ellis is 90% responsible for my enthusiasm so the older stuff hasn't clicked yet but I'm still exploring it.