I really like this, stands out among what all the other big thrash bands were doing at the time tbh. It's not fair to compare it to The Legacy because it's a different sound, but it still kicks just as much ass imo
This is pretty killer, melancholy USPM in the While Heaven Wept mold. A bit bloated, but it peaks high, and features a sweeping epic based on the best arc of the Malazan series.
All the guys in this band are involved in so many different bands already....might be why they threw in the towel. Too bad though....newest album is a face ripper. Their best album or my favorite at least.
This album is back loaded! Thought it started out pretty alright, but from the title track on thought it was awesome
Listening to my 3rd Blind Guardian album, can say without a doubt it's the best one so far. I started with Follow the Blind, then Tales from the Twilight World. Thus far they seem to get progressively more refined and thus better in the case of this band, but I do like the intensity of their earlier work.
Also their album covers are really pretty and fun to look at
These guys really want to be 80's Bathory but in a good way. It sounds like someone took Under the Sign of the Black Mark and injected it with a huge dose of speed metal.
Not sure who it was in here that posted this prior but cheers for putting it on my radar!