Albums currently kicking your ass

All Candlemass is good, tbh. Epicus Doomicus Metallicus is a step farther than that though.

I disagree with that, I like every Messiah album better, as well as Death Magic Doom. EDM is amazing, but the others are better IMO.
I love Symmetric in Design by Scar Symmetry. Hybrid Cult and Dominion are fucking awesome songs!

By the way, anyone heard about Christian Alvestam's new band, Solution .45? They sound great! That, and another of his band, The Few Against Many, sound promising. I think the lyrics are in Swedish. Should be interesting to hear death metal in another language.
I disagree with that, I like every Messiah album better, as well as Death Magic Doom. EDM is amazing, but the others are better IMO.

I personally like Robert Lowe the best vocally, making King of the Grey Islands one of my favorites...but I've enjoyed every album I've heard by them... and out of 10 I've only missed Chapter IV and Dactylis Glomerata.
Mental Vortex is their best so no. :p But try No More Color it is almost as good (and everything else including Grin is very good too ofcourse).

Currently kicking my ass:
Mental Vortex is their best so no. :p But try No More Color it is almost as good (and everything else including Grin is very good too ofcourse).

Will do, anything you've recommended to me has been top notch.

I'd like to have a Mental Vortex shirt... cant seem to find any though.

Does all Coroner kick this much ass?

I'd never tried them before....

No, that's their best, but other Coroner kicks almost as much ass. If you want more groove and spacey ambiance, get Grin. If you want more tech-thrashing goodness, go backwards.