Albums currently kicking your ass

awsome symphonic pagan metal from Germany :kickass:
I tried Augury Not my thing, I hate bands like that...There insanely technical and out there but I can't really remember anything from the album.

The 2nd song ruled though...I like the Bassist and Drummer

Necrophobic - Death to All!
I loved Nebularium also, in fact I think i'm gonna give it a spin now.

Nebularium is one of the best and most underrated debut albums by a modern metal band, I think. At first I had the same opinion on it that most people I have similar taste to have, like it's underproduced or has weak songwriting...but it is really memorable and there are some parts that just make me go wtf (funky section in "Blue Lake") or just amaze me with what they do with melody (title track and "Demiurgo" always hit me here).