Albums currently kicking your ass

Not the best by a long shot, but good enough to be dubbed the "most underrated Candlemass album."


Just listened to this band today after seeing them multiple times on the forums. Really kickass, some of the best cleanly sang vocals in modern-esque metal I've heard.

Just listened to this band today after seeing them multiple times on the forums. Really kickass, some of the best cleanly sang vocals in modern-esque metal I've heard.

Yeah man! However for some reason most people I know who liked Dagoba on their previous album HATE Face The Colossus...I disagree, I like FTC much, much better than What Hell Is About. Most people blame Shawter, the vocalist, on ruining FTC but...I don't see it! He's really good, and all the ridiculous breakdowns on that album are insane. I think at the end of Orphan of You there are something like 6 breakdowns in a row, moderately fast ones, and they just keep getting reintroduced, just with the same general theme...such a brilliant songwriting move, when I first heard that I was so impressed by how well it flowed.. I can't sing the praises of that album enough tbh. Awesome shit. The original version of the cover is also my desktop.
Yeah, I have listened to it about 3 or 4 times already since it came into my possession. Now I have to go through the back catalog, if its anything like this I know they will quickly be a favorite. The Abyssal intro leading into the piano infused beginning of Face the Colossus ripped me a new asshole on the first spin.