Albums currently kicking your ass


holy crap guys. i think we have a winner...

Good stuff. Their last one was better though, IMO. That was such a kickass album, surprised it didn't get talked about all that much.

I'm one of the many getting my ass kicked by:




also, in a different sense:


the gf loves her : /
Ulcerate is good stuff.

Someone needs to assasinate LG by drowning her in a bubble bath. It would be both poetic and final. Then we could be spared any more of her shitty OMG I R SO DIFFERENT music.
They play Lady Gaga on the radio at work constantly. It's gotten to the point that not only do I know all of the god damn words but every time it plays it sets off murder suicide fantasies. So in that case, to me, Lady Gaga is more grim and frostbitten than any suicide bm.