Albums currently kicking your ass

Anyone who doesn't think The Doors were the best classic rock band is under delusional interperatations of what true quality in the '60s was.

i like the doors at their peak more than nearly any other band, but i don't think it's that clear cut. most of their albums as wholes don't really stack up against the classics from high tide, captain beyond, may blitz, blue cheer, sir lord baltimore, cream, love, hendrix, iron butterfly etc. too inconsistent. also mad river might count as classic rock and they're my favourite band of the '60s by a million miles.
speaking of cream


It’s good news that there might be more from Cream.
Well, the trouble is that I’m doing so many amazing things on my own. Cream is just a band from many, many years ago, and we did do something [referring to the reunion shows in 2005]… Everybody talks about Led Zeppelin, and they played one fucking gig – one fucking lame gig – while Cream did weeks of gigs; proper gigs, not just a lame gig like Zeppelin did, with all the [vocal] keys lowered and everything. We played everything in the original keys. [Becoming animated]: Fuck off, Zeppelin, you’re crap. You’ve always been crap and you’ll never be anything else. The worst thing is that people believe the crap that they’re sold. Cream is 10 times the band that Led Zeppelin is.

That’s a bold opinion.
What? You’re gonna compare Eric Clapton with that fucking Jimmy Page? Would you really compare that?

To be fair, they’re different kinds of player, aren’t they?
No! Eric’s good and Jimmy’s crap. And with that I rest my case.
i like the doors at their peak more than nearly any other band, but i don't think it's that clear cut. most of their albums as wholes don't really stack up against the classics from high tide, captain beyond, may blitz, blue cheer, sir lord baltimore, cream, love, hendrix, iron butterfly etc. too inconsistent. also mad river might count as classic rock and they're my favourite band of the '60s by a million miles.

All those bands are good but I just don't think they hold a candle to The Doors.
Queen is probably my favorite classic rock band, and definitely among the best. They're also ridiculously influential.
Queen is probably my favorite classic rock band, and definitely among the best. They're also ridiculously influential.

Queen are great. Like I've said to you before, anyone who says they do not enjoy at least one Queen song is a liar.

The Ozzman said:
Cream > The Doors

Hmm. I don't know about that one. Two very powerful bands. It's a close call.