Albums currently kicking your ass

To be honest, I know nothing about that album and couldn't even tell you what songs are on it. The only GnR I have ever listened to is Appetite for Destruction, and it has been a while for that one too.

Appetite was pretty juvenile. 'Illusion II' is a whole different beast with much more depth. Try the songs 'Locomotive' and 'Breakdown' and be sure to read the lyrics. You should get it pretty well considering your high regards for the Pumpkins. Not the same style, but lyrically similar...albeit a bit more direct in Roses.
"Juvenile" is kind of a weird way of looking at Appetite for Destruction.

It's a pretty killer album, actually.
Oh, don't get me wrong, I love that album. But being as 'young' as they were it was really a lot of simpler stuff. It was not as in depth about his life. It was mostly "I'm on heroin and I'm sad/mad with no real explanation or detail", while II was a detailed account of specific things. Girlfriends, why he uses, how he views random things everyday. His lyrical content became more 'adult', I suppose.

Appetite fucking rules and is ballsy ass Rock and mother fucking roll. Everything after was Axl wanting to "progress" and it was not nearly as hard rocking and awesome. I do not turn to GnR for depth.

S.V.E.S.T. — Coagula (L'Ether du Diable)

This is actually a compilation of their first two demo tapes with improved sound quality, but it's seriously not to be overlooked. I think most people who listen to S.V.E.S.T. tend to hear Urfaust and the DsO split and pretty much stop there, but they're seriously missing out on this. The split with Inkisitor is also great.