Albums currently kicking your ass


I get fucking chills everytime Dead yells, COME ON, LEIPZIG! COME ON! JOIN US! PURE! FUCKING! ARMAGEDDON!!!!

I get fucking chills everytime Dead yells, COME ON, LEIPZIG! COME ON! JOIN US! PURE! FUCKING! ARMAGEDDON!!!!

I was at work the other day and saw a black dude wearing a shirt and I could of sworn Dead was on the front. I freaked out but realized it was Michael Jackson. :lol:


Well the cover drew me in and the music finished the job. So dark and crushing. Quite a find. Thank you!

Same for me. I just listened to "Inexorable Blasphemies". Very dark, but still "headbang-able".

One of the greatest black metal EPs of all time. Mainly cause of the awsome lineup behind recording that ep. Obsidian C + Attila + Frost = Perfection.