Albums currently kicking your ass


Testicle crushing industrial doom.
Well the cover drew me in and the music finished the job. So dark and crushing. Quite a find. Thank you!

I just listened to this and I don't know what to think. I feel like i've just been beaten repeatedly.

The drumming was so chaotic i couldnt really hear the guitar notes, I need to give it another spin.

Over all I thought it was a :loco: mindfuck of an album.
Slam death metal is just breakdown after breakdown and they sound like they're trying way too hard to be "br00tal". Now Swallow the Sun and melodeath/doom bands alike make music that is tastefully done and well thought out. Not to mention that it's much more emotional and genuine than slam.

I'm sorry that StS doesn't constantly chug the same note over and over and over and over and over again with drums worse than St. Anger and vocals that sound like diarrhea.
I can't stand slam and brutal shit but Swallow The Sun is fucking terrible!

I'd also like to point out that cook-ta is the single best poster on this site to go to for extreme doom metal recommendations. (even though StS is a sad excuse for death/doom at best)



I'm really enjoying this which is odd... been wanting to listen to power metal lately.
Slam death metal is just breakdown after breakdown and they sound like they're trying way too hard to be "br00tal". Now Swallow the Sun and melodeath/doom bands alike make music that is tastefully done and well thought out. Not to mention that it's much more emotional and genuine than slam.

I'm sorry that StS doesn't constantly chug the same note over and over and over and over and over again with drums worse than St. Anger and vocals that sound like diarrhea.

My first time checking out Zyklon...Never got around to it. Just got all 3 albums cuz for some reason I knew they kicked ass and I'm in awe. Flawless Extreme riffs and drumming, I love it.