Albums currently kicking your ass


where am i meant to be
what is my destiny?

WCannibal: Says the Swallow the Sun fan :lol: Also I meant "I win this round" as in "what I'm listening to is probably gayer than Gamma Ray"...actually, that's false, but w/e.

Schwarzung: Yes! It's the album ⊿. Really fucking good. Been real addicted to them lately, I need to get GAME.
I haven't liked anything I've heard by her. Generally for me j-pop seems to have to be electropop/house style or have major auto-tuning for me to really dig it.
Like bitching and moaning fixes everything V5 or I say about the shit you post, let alone anyone. Just drop it honestly man. Be more like malice, I would greatly appreciate that.

Edit: Be a chill dude and just post a certain amount of samples from time to time. And don't bitch too much if you find it insulting that we find them not to suit our likings.
You like to mention bands (which most are mediocre). You've mentioned less bands. And at times you even bring up senseless bragging. The mentioning is one thing but the bragging is just purely assinine tbh.

Edit: And for fucks sake, cut down a bit on the spam.