Albums currently kicking your ass

You like to mention bands (which most are mediocre).

Strange, at one point you said you really liked some of the bands.

You've mentioned less bands.

That doesn't even make any sense. Mentioned less bands what?

Edit: And for fucks sake, cut down a bit on the spam.

What or who am I spamming?

Edit: You seem young and impressionable to me, no offense. Do you mind if I ask you how old you are?
Yea I did really like some of them... If you bothered to check back and read the replies I made.

Anyways I'm done feeding the troll.

The one with the older join date and fewer posts doesn't point towards troll, just sayin'. I think you misread what I said above, I was joking around with V, not trying to be an ass to him.

I knew I was going to love this...yes!