Albums currently kicking your ass


Loving the eerie violin tracks in Welt Aus Eis.
they didnt reissue cross the styx did they? i remember vaguely ebaying it and was only 1st presses and was going for shit tons of cash-o

Something about Abramis Brama makes them more rock'n'roll than anything else...hmm, could it be that THEIR SINGER HAS A FUCKING HOOK WHERE HIS RIGHT HAND SHOULD BE?

This is one of those instances where the use of language and letters turn into fun. Trojan never met great success in Sweden and it might just be because of the name. By making the "o" into a "ö" the band name actually goes from meaning "trojan" (same as in english) to mean "tröjan" ("the sweater" in swedish). Not that cool of a band name :p
I've been playing these three a fuckinglot last week or so:





Fucking great albums.
Is that a Maniac Butcher album? People actually like that band?

Listen to Černá Krev please. I always thought they were below average but I now really fell in love with this cd especially. It's just awesome, minus the Intermezzo, which I skip.