Albums currently kicking your ass


Worst album title ever, but great music..(except I can't over the BLATANT Nile-rip on the track "Chronicles of Crime")
Morne - Untold Wait

This album came as quite a surprise for me. I haven't really followed the punk scene very closely for the past several years, as I haven't really heard anything of interest. Morne's debut album comes as a refreshing change to the status quo. Their music is a combination of the monumental scope of Amebix's work with the fiery urgency of Discharge and some sprinkles of Neurosis's rhythmic tendencies.

When added together, this allows for although simplistic grooves to be packed with so much weight and depth. I'm surprised this release hasn't made bigger waves in both the punk and metal community. To me, this is the perfect Orwellian record and perfect for the times we are both living in and inevitably heading in to. If you want a picture of Morne's music, imagine a boot stomping on a human face - forever. I cannot recommend this album enough.