Albums currently kicking your ass



:kickass: at the last two postings (despite the oversized gifs).

However as far as Clutch goes, Blast Tyrant is a bit better, but Elephant riders is probably their 2nd best work. Very consistant flow.

Clutch definitely rock... Blast Tyrant is very good... honestly I havent heard a bad album by the band yet.

I really dig stoner rock/metal in general though... and I've been listening to a ton of it lately.

fucking LOVING this album. If someone didn't post it a few pages ago i wouldn't have heard it.


Yea, its pretty kickass. Never would have found it if I didn't go on a Swano spree. I could probably do without the gothy vocals but thats my only qualm...and a small one at that.
How is something less than ten years old classic?

For me its a classic, been listening to it since it came and it still sounds as awsome as first time I heard it. Which feels like over 10years ago :lol:
