Albums currently kicking your ass

who cares

The non-obscurity of Refused
songs to fan the flames of discontent.
is the most entertaining album of its genre..
the genre being political death metal/punk

I've seen the horizon, and it will own you all.
Thanks for- dEATH.

Fuck off. -- no i mean it - -fAIL..

yeah because refused are a death metal band because death metal isn't a genre it just means something people who are used to Avril Lavigne and Limp Bizkit find heavy.

or not
That's a good album, but wait til you hear their later shit. Hoooo boy. And they can play it all live too, I attest to it.

The new Orchidectomy is literally kicking my fucking ass, holy shit.

It kicks so much fucking ass and boobs. I really fucking want it and it's literally fucking impossible to get here. How is the original copy? Cool booklet or something? Holy fucking shithole my penis is so cool right now sometimes it just gets bigger I don't get it MAEWTHE!

I've been listening to these albums the most lately:
1. Suspiria - Drama
2. Deadchovsky - Spiritus Sancti Bizarre
3. Plastique Noir - Dead Pop
4. Siva Six - Black Will