Albums currently kicking your ass


The Cartilage side is among the best death metal Finland has to offer.

I love Finnish death metal.

Teitanblood - Seven Chalices

Normally, thick and brutal albums like this would drain me and make me want a shorter album, but as I'm nearing the end of this, I'm actually longing for me despite it being about an hour long.

I never caught onto that album as much as I did other releases at the time in that genre, namely those of Diocletian, Embrace of Thorns and Archgoat.
I'm liking the whole, as one metallum-forumer said, "coffin production" scene. But if there's one problem with it, it's the fact that the albums are only enjoyable when listening to them, you don't really remember any riffs after. Then again, that was my first listen. :p