Albums currently kicking your ass

"After much thought and due to B.Wolaniuk’s departure and J. Read’s unavailability for live performances, I have decided to dissolve Kerasphorus.

Kerasphorus is some of the greatest music I’ve ever created. After B.Wolaniuk announced his defection and J. Read informed me that he was unable to play live, I vowed to soldier on. I recruited Zolrak (ex Morbosidad, Unholier, Nodens) to play guitar, and Paul Collier (ex Angelcorpse) on drums for the live shows that were booked.

However, playing live with different members dilutes the concept of Kerasphorus. I am therefore canceling all live performances with Kerasphorus.

On May 15th Kerasphorus recorded two songs that will be released on EP later this year.
I have already started working on a new project and hope to have material released by 2011.

Thank you for the support you’ve given Kerasphorus.
03 June 2010"
cheers man,basically they were the main reason for me wanting to attend the NWN! fest in the first place,so that's really shitty news.I can only hope that the special guest spot will be filled by Blasphemy,Conqueror has been ruled out.Damned disappinting news indeed.
Fucking rules. Figures that an Aussie band would distill everything positive that ever came out of New York Death Metal in the early-mid 90s into one potent brew. Insane shit.

^^ Yes that Ignivomous album is a solid kick in the ass.Have been wondering about the new Cemetary Urn,I've noticed one or two of you guys have picked it up.Might have to get a hold of it this week along with the Abominator demo.