Albums currently kicking your ass


Inquisition - Into the infernal regions of the ancient Cult

Took me some time to get used to the vocals. It's good shit though.
@Mort: From what I have heard of Dawnbringer (In Sickness and In Dreams and Nucleus) they are a heavy metal band. Maybe their earlier material is death metal, but yeah MA is outdated there.

I like that Antlers album as well, though not nearly as much as you do it seems, perhaps I should spin it some more.

I am really enjoying Dark Suns' Grave Human Genuine. I am not a big prog fan, but I dig this sort of mature, sophisticated, and modern sounding prog. I may be in the minority here, but I think it is better than the highly acclaimed Existence, which I think is too melodramatic in comparison. GHG is more interesting in part because the band doesn't wear its heart on its sleeve all the time, as they seemingly did before.

He's back!

Also, does anyone have the new Tales of Medusa album, I have been trying to find it online but it is impossible. I would appreciate an upload :cool:

PM me if you have the goods.
I've always kinda avoided listening to this album. It's actually pretty awesome. I like it much more than Last Fair Deal Gone Down.

Some great shit on this page so far. I really really want to get Like An Everflowing Stream, I've heard a couple tracks and they were amazing, I feel like it's something I just need.