Albums currently kicking your ass


EDIT: Well, mean't to post this in the NP's good but not kicking my ass...yet at least.
never been able to make it through a full primordial album, but i definitely enjoy them in small doses

I enjoy some good prog. so I don't mind sitting down and listening to some of their songs. I actually like their newer albums more than their old, which is something I cannot say for most bands.

It has been awhile since I have listened to this in its entirety. There was a nice slitting moon out tonight so I decided to take a walk and listen to some old school bm. I had a nice j rolled up and was ready for a blast from the past. :D

As cliche as it is to put this album up, it still blows my mind every-time I listen to it. Sets such a great mood. :Spin:

Not convinced that it's better than Deathcrush..........I don't know actually the more I think about it.....
it was me... I cant find a copy and every copy I've dl'd online has static on every track starting at Blood On Satan's Claw.