Albums currently kicking your ass


So glad I ordered this!
Nothing will ever beat the reissue of Tiamat - Sumerian Cry. That is hands down the most laughable effort I've ever come across.

Agreed, the funny thing is that mostly it's the old album covers that show when you buy on the internet, and you get some new shitty one-coloured and undetailed album cover with just the logo and the album name on it.
Currently spinning discs that just blows my mind:


Shining - V-halmstad


Zimmers Hole - When You Were Shouting At The Devil...We Were In League With Satan


Silencer - Death-Pierce Me


Elite - We own the mountains


Gojira - The Way of All Flesh
The re-issue album covers are so fucking lame. Why?!?!?! Why put albums back out with lame ass covers?

Nothing will ever beat the reissue of Tiamat - Sumerian Cry. That is hands down the most laughable effort I've ever come across.

Normally I do my best not to care, but these are two of my favorite albums, so I had to shell out the cash for the originals. My other copy of Sumerian Cry I smashed with a hammer. My other copy of Beyond Sanctorum I still have, just for the bonus tracks.
I have the re-issue of Ho Drakon Ho Megas too, it looks pretty much the same as Beyond Sanctorum except the lines are in gold instead of silver. That was pretty annoying since Ho Drakon Ho Megas has one of the greatest original covers ever.