Albums currently kicking your ass

Their best by far imo.


Easily my favourite prog metal album!!

The vocals are fucking weird as hell on this but once you get used to them the album really has some epic moments on it.
Which is kind of boring, plain and same-y, I'd definitely reach for NFH every time, honestly.
Totally agreed, although Shadows of the past is good too, North From Here is an awesome album, in fact on of my favourite Death Metal ever, if not my favourite. It's fucking awesome.
(This reminds me, I need to change my avatar :lol:)
Sorry for double post, didn't realize I was already the last poster in this thread :S

In my continuing quest to find artists similar to ANTIMATTER
Interested in this kind of bands, surely will check out ION. If you come across some interesting stuff, just let me know please :D


Just out of curiosity sake I checked it since Endins was decent. This is even better, I really like the concept of those long epic songs. The first song is kind of redundant but the rest of the album is very good.
This guys kick massive ass. Although I think I prefer the other albums by them. All three are awesome though. You should for sure check out the s/t too.
i agree that thats ares kingdom's best album, but im not too sure about "by far"

regardless, incendiary still kicks ass


this is kickin my ass for me. martin van drunnen-esque vocals surprised me though. timeless reign and the split with arckanum still remain the top of the list for me
Runemagick's first two albums are fucking fantastic. Looking forward to getting Dark Dead Earth in the mail... my mp3s for the albums are really old and fucked.