Albums currently kicking your ass

First time I've got to sit and listen to an album for a while. Having the flu and working full time has been brutal.

Says a guy who listens to Dokken...:p

You crazy?! :lol: Painkiller is awesome and more importantly, I like it. Has great songs like 'All guns blazing', 'A touch of evil' 'Leather Rebel' and 'Nightcrawler', aside from the famous 'Painkiller'.
Painkiller is a boring album in general. It's a cheap attempt at jumping on the speed metal bandwagon and is full of wank. Whenever Painkiller songs come up randomly, I end up changing the song and that's something I never do with other JP songs. There are a few highlights, but I'd rather listen to Screaming for Vengeance or Sad Wings of Destiny (or even fucking Turbo) over that album.
I still think it's a great album, the riffing is great, the songs are well composed, solos are amazing, not to meantion the soaring vocals. For a jump in the speed metal wagon, they do it quite well, they really set the bar high on this genre.
But everybody is entitled to their opinion.

What do you think about their older albums, like British steel, Point of Entry, Stained Class?
The 70s albums are the best. I wasn't a fan of Sin After Sin for a long time, but I finally came around and it's pretty stellar. The 80s albums are worse in quality, but still great. I would rate the 80s albums in this order:

Yeah, I think they are great too. My order is exactly the same, if you exchange the first two between them and replace Turbo with Painkiller. I thought Rocka Rolla was kind of weak, but it has its charm.