Albums currently kicking your ass

I thought the Blood Revolt tracks I sampled a few months ago were bad at first, but the album operates as a whole in a totally different, much better way. I just got it yesterday and have only managed to play it a few times, but it seems like the band really comes into their own, musically, during the second half of the album. The first half struck me as good, but some of the arrangements were lifted straight from Axis of Advance albums (like "Salvation at the Barrel of a Gun" resembling "Evanescent Judgment of the Last Era" quite a bit).
Is it comparable to Warning?

Absolutely. The guy still can't sing yet it's somewhat amazing. The songs are melancholic and his voice is like flowing around the tones he's supposed to sing. It's a bit more rock-y though, less doomy imo, the harmonies are a little more obvious imo. Anyways, I heard it for the first time yesterday so I can't judge much.
Love this album, but hate Pantera. Sometimes I don't understand myself.

Pantera's vocals and overall feel are much lighter... douchyer even, so I understand this.


Not really far into this but it sounds good so far:


Edit2: Mother of fuck this is awesome. :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:

Anyone that digs J Tull or Jex Thoth (or anyone that doesnt mind female vocals and flutes in their occult doom/rock) needs to check this shit out now.

Blood Ceremony - Living with the Ancients