Albums currently kicking your ass


I wish I could count how many hundreds of times I have listened to this from the 80's until now.
there are many good bands with stupid names, Cody. Why would Soulfly call themselves Soulfly? Oldman's Child?
I try not to think about it.
there are many good bands with stupid names, Cody. Why would Soulfly call themselves Soulfly? Oldman's Child?
I try not to think about it.

Well I think about it, Alina. Why is that bands name so fucking stupid and this and that. I just can't help it. I think about it, bands names. I really can't understand why a DM band would call their band Flying. Are they Flying high up in a boeing 747 jumbo jet. It's just random. FLYING. If a band name is not engaging or makes sense to someone how they they really make sense. I'm so dumb founded right now am in the clouds. As in am Flying(in a plane) or maybe am flying with the help of some Wings or a jet pack. Don't even know.
I'll ask them and let you know. I was wondering about it too long ago, never cared to ask though.
You better ask and let me know Alina. Or else.... we'll get physical. And you might like that to much.