Albums currently kicking your ass



(That's Agalloch - Marrow of the spirit)
I have the previous Assaulter album,sounds like this is something special.

Oh shit, gotta check it out. Loved the previous one.

It is something special, and a notable improvement from their first album (which I also regard as being of very good quality). I don't mean to imply that Boundless brings something new to thrash here, but the album really is a remarkably coherent expression of everything that makes blackened thrash so great.

I feel obligated to come back here and post this again. The more I hear this album the more I'm convinced Assaulter has really done something brilliant here. I think with this release they've put out one of the better albums ever written in this style and it deserves more exposure. I can't wait to see where the band goes from here.

The production on that Assaulter album makes it sound like a turd.

Actually it didn't even strike me until you mentioned this but I can see why the production might not appeal to many people. It just doesn't seem out of place with Assaulter's music to me. Other than that I have no idea what you guys don't find amazing about it. I find the song writing absolutely awesome in a 'this is exactly what thrash metal should sound like' sort of way. I suppose it's possible that my soft spot for the band is just too soft.

In any case, let's keep the thrash party going around here:


(Thanks for the rec Matt. After I hear it a couple more times I will respond to your review.)
