Albums currently kicking your ass


Really enjoying this, the first album by these guys that I've bought. There's so many influences on here from early Sabbath, deep purple, blues, they even snuck a thrash riff in there. All ties together very nicely. Came with a live DVD so is a great introduction to the band.
King of pedophilia and lover of pop music Mort posted that, you know.

inb4 mort says taste in metal doesnt have anything to do with taste in other music.

it doesn't but even so i've barely been listening to any pop music nowadays anyways
self titles by periphery rocks my cock off. You all should check it out, you'll either really love it or really hate it. If you dont like it, whatever.

A blatant Fear Factory rip off. Not that I'm saying it's bad, but if you like this style, you might as well listen to the masters.

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Fucking amazing album. :kickass:

Also VVorld VVithout End is probably the best track to listen to for a train ride as you leave the station.

:kickass: Have never taken a train ride but I'd imagine

I hope a new album comes out soon!

and Ascent from Ghoulgotha is probably my favorite song title ever pretty much

Every time razorback releases something I think I wont like, I'm inevitably proven wrong.


Traditional doom + death metal goodness.