Albums currently kicking your ass

Stargazer's contribution to the Sacriphyx split is fucking monumental,I could listen to the second half of Tryaal By Obsidian forever!

The more I think about it, Vital Remains is becoming one of my favorite death metal bands. The title track here is fucking insane. Bought Dawn of Apocalypse today.... will be waiting impatiently on that.

That album is great! Gotta love the part at the 7:00 minute mark on the title track

I know this band/genre really isnt that big amongst most people here but Im such a big fan of this album. Huge riffs and an awesome atmosphere throughout.

I honestly cant see the disconnect in liking doom and liking electric wizard... but anyway...

the nightchild is fucking immense. my head starts to rock back and forth when I listen to that damn song, even if I dont realize it.