Albums currently kicking your ass


One of my favorite releases of 2010. Reminds me a lot of the old German Death/thrash band Poison.
I got the demo compilation from Kyrck, how much you drop on that bad boy?

It's not the first press unfortunately, it's the recent reissue issued by Abyss Records. I got it for $9.00 from Dark Descent Records. I also got the reissue of Winter of Sin for the same price from there.

Going to let a bit of me slip out, since I'm not all jokes. I listen to this album only when I miss my fiance. She was killed by a drunk driver six years ago, May 10th. It was her favourite album. I have her copy and only play it when I feel down and running through memories in my head. I use it as my one and only physical link to her since her parents had her cremated and spread her ashes on the family farm where she grew up. Besides pictures, it's the only physical object I have to remember her by.

It's cathartic.

And is better than drinking myself to sleep.
Going to let a bit of me slip out, since I'm not all jokes. I listen to this album only when I miss my fiance. She was killed by a drunk driver six years ago, May 10th. It was her favourite album. I have her copy and only play it when I feel down and running through memories in my head. I use it as my one and only physical link to her since her parents had her cremated and spread her ashes on the family farm where she grew up. Besides pictures, it's the only physical object I have to remember her by.

It's cathartic.

And is better than drinking myself to sleep.

Man... :(