Albums currently kicking your ass


Absolutely insane swedish death metal. (not sure if they're from sweden, not the point)

I can only really compare this to Like An Everflowing Stream... cant believe I'm saying that. Furious chainsaw riffing throughout, a bit of melody here and there... There's not really been anything like this since the early 90s.
^ Why do people cream all over themselves over this unimaginative throwback stuff? The metal scene really needs to get some standards.
Why dont you suck my dick?

It's a good album and the band has been around since 1992.


Also I noticed someone talking about this in the hauls thread, I think, and listened to a few tracks and went ahead and bought it. Pretty damn good, although the vocals probably arent my favorite.

I strongly suggest that you listen to the new Sargeist album and then the new Inquisition album in one sitting. The way the two albums flow together musically and conceptually is awesome.

Absolutely insane swedish death metal. (not sure if they're from sweden, not the point)

They're from the Czech Republic, btw one of their finest bands imho. :kickass:

^ Why do people cream all over themselves over this unimaginative throwback stuff? The metal scene really needs to get some standards.

Cyth, I agree with you (on the scene getting some standards), but in this particular case, it is indeed a good album. Try listening to a few tracks in case you haven't. :cool:
I have only heard that album once and I wan‘t impressed at all. I will sure give it another chance as I am strongly biased towards czech bands.
yes!!!! glad to see some CC recognition, I oddly found two of their cd's in my closet, apparently I bought them aeons ago because I don't remember

You dont have Barbaric is the Beast, by chance? If so, sell it to me. :D

I'm fine with the throwback bands if their standards are high. Disma, I'm going to buy their full length, Vasaleth, not so much.