Albums currently kicking your ass

I read at the start of the post a guy flaming Burzum and Darkthrone.
Too say that I only like some of Burzum would just be total horseshit, but the only album I can really smash and get into is Det Som Engang Var.
And as for Dark Throne, they're good. I can get why they are such a promininent figure, they just don't do much for me.
Albums that are kicking my ass right now:
Belphgor - Blood Magick Necromance.
Kamelot - One Cold Winters Night. (DvD aswell).
Ingested - Supressing the Boundaries of Human Suffering.
love that impetuous ritual

anyways, found out these lads are coming to a festival in alberta so im STOKED. favorite album of 2009
