Albums currently kicking your ass

Revocation - Chaos Of Forms (2011)


First couple listens to this confused the fuck out of me... left me wondering what the fuck i'm listening to... and the vocals/lyrics on some of the songs... Squeeze my head? But there really is something charming about it... and third time through, I'm enjoying it instead of cringing.

I've always enjoyed the shit out of this album. Don't see why so many people, including Edling himself, downgrade it so much. There's no major stylistic difference between this album and the albums that came right before and after it, and it's got the same amount of good and unique songs. A difference might be that it's not as dynamic as far as riffing goes, relying a bit more on repetition. Less action and more atmosphere, basically, and there's nothing wrong with that.
First couple listens to this confused the fuck out of me... left me wondering what the fuck i'm listening to... and the vocals/lyrics on some of the songs... Squeeze my head? But there really is something charming about it... and third time through, I'm enjoying it instead of cringing.
It's not a bad album that's for sure. Not really great either though. The only Bathory album that isn't atleast decent is Octagon imo.

A bit long, but still pretty good... One of the amon amarth guys plays guitar on this album (not really like he does in amon amarth though)... Solid swedish death metal.