Albums currently kicking your ass

:worship: ... my all-time favorite album.

You have good taste :D. Maybe not my favourite, but it's up there.

So the other day i was hating on power metal, and i tried out some Angel Dust - this is awesome.




God, this is the fucking epitome of epic doom for me. Every time I spin it I get chills.

"Damn us all with your mercy and charity
From chaos is found, true shape and form
The inferno of summer may hold us in check
But we will awaken, no longer in thrall."
Boris - Feedbacker is the most trance-inducing album I've ever heard. I know the noise segments will put people off, but I imagine most people will be able to appreciate how fantastic the first three segments are, as long as they show some patience. The whole thing becomes magnificent after a few listens, but this track has the best of it.

Certainly did man,cost a bit and I have'nt laid eyes on it yet,it's at my place(been at sea for 3 months).I've had the original Evil Omen copy for years and it's been my favourite album since i've had it.I have'nt heard anything that even comes close to it,apart from maybe Revenge but Conqueror are still tops imo.