Albums currently kicking your ass



This is great - i just ordered both Havok albums. Great band, so happy someone posted them in the "Rate what the person above you is listening to thread", so i could discover them.

I fucking love the lead break on Covering Fire and then the razor sharp riffs coming out of it just rip my face off. :Smokedev:

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This is great - i just ordered both Havok albums. Great band, so happy someone posted them in the "Rate what the person above you is listening to thread", so i could discover them.

I fucking love the lead break on Covering Fire and then the razor sharp riffs coming out of it just rip my face off. :Smokedev:

good stuff!
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Stupid band name, awesome album.

Also... kinda raged at the back of the album... which says...
WARNING: Pirating is killing the music industry so be warned that unauthorised duplication is a violation of applicable laws and subject to both criminal prosecution and bloody spiritual revenge. We'll know the guilty and revenge will be forthcoming

Dear assholes, no one would know about your band today, period... if your music wasnt "pirated."