Albums currently kicking your ass

Very good imitation SweDeath. Nothing groundbreaking, but this is heavy, melodic, groovy and well-composed.

^ Solid, old school swedish DM. Nothing groundbreaking, songs are very well constructed / played. This album is as solid as their other two LPs, which is pretty good. There's also an interesting cover of Emperor's "Night of the Graveless Souls".

Any Swedish DM fan should enjoy Death Infernal.
Cool. Might have to pick it up in the near future.


This is probably my second favorite BT album, right behind realm of chaos.

There's just something about that cannon going off in No Guts, No Glory...
^ Solid, old school swedish DM. Nothing groundbreaking, songs are very well constructed / played. This album is as solid as their other two LPs, which is pretty good. There's also an interesting cover of Emperor's "Night of the Graveless Souls".

Any Swedish DM fan should enjoy Death Infernal.

I'm a fan of Demonical as well. Good stuff.