Albums currently kicking your ass


Just awesome.
:kickass: ^^


I've recently been delving into In Flames's newer stuff just to see what all the fuss was about and due to the fact that I have a massive boner for their first 5 albums. Most of their newer stuff is a mixed bag really, when you get past the fact that it's not melo death and not trying to be, some of it is actually kind of enjoyable. Emphasis on some. Most of it suffers from the same kind of flaws like cheesy introspective lyrics, abuse of synth, weak and cracky harsh vocals, unoriginal guitar solos ect ect. However their newer albums do have their moments and I find this one to be the most enjoyable.

The vocals lean more to the clean side, the songs are generally more mid paced and most of them have some really nice melodies. I've really tried to give new In Flames a chance and this album has definitely been the most rewarding so far. I've just been trying to step out of my usual listening habits lately is all. I wouldn't consider myself a huge fan but definitely a fan of the band.
To be honest, I've steered clear of later In Flames due to all the criticism. I might have a listen to the above album on Youtube if i can.

It may be a bit too poppy for the tastes of many people here as well as mine. Don't expect a mind blowing underground metal album or anything, I simply enjoy it for what it is.