Albums currently kicking your ass

Nightbringer - Apocalypse Sun
Good stuff.

Sampled the first album, while the music is unique in a good way, the vocals are not.

^ this. Don't see how this hype is possible with how nails-on-chalkboard he is.

Just found these guys tonight. Incredible.


Edit: My god, this is fucking huge. Apologies.
Blood Revolt-Indoctrine.Vocals have grown on me alot.Definitely a grower that demands proper attention.

That Blood Revolt album IS phenomenal. Nemtheanga's in top form throughout the entire album, and Read and Ross are completely ruthless. I've seen alot of people complain that it sounds awkward, the clean vocals over top of such chaos, but I think after a couple of listens it works out splendidly.


Such a hidden gem.



IC Rex - Vedenjakaja Very unique one-man experimental BM band from Finland.

First listen, but first impression says fairly win, although the heavy-prog direction is a bit odd for them.