Albums currently kicking your ass


Crappppppp. I don't have that album. I need it.

This is so fucking amazing...
I've heard plenty of metal bands try to be different... and maybe none pull it off as well as the strange group that acts like the year is 1890... and it comes in a hard back book.

It's getting cold in west virginia and I cant help but feel the shift in what I want to listen to turn from death metal to shoegaze and post rock.
I really do love everything I've heard by alcest and this album is no exception. The music isnt black metal though, he's falsely accused of that... after his first demo only tinges of bm remain.

And on an unrelated note, can someone name a similar album for me.... I only really know the album art but have been wanting to check it out. It's black and white, two figures are standing on a cliff and the moon is in the background. It sticks out quite a bit because the moon is cut by the cliff and it looks like pacman, perfectly. Anyone know the title?
And on an unrelated note, can someone name a similar album for me.... I only really know the album art but have been wanting to check it out. It's black and white, two figures are standing on a cliff and the moon is in the background. It sticks out quite a bit because the moon is cut by the cliff and it looks like pacman, perfectly. Anyone know the title?


Heretoir - Heretoir (2011)