Albums currently kicking your ass

^ Dude, I was just listening to this album lol I was looking at last years epic Roadburn lineup, saw these guys on the bill and decided to spin Lights From Paradise. Shits rad!
Mythic - Anthology


Blasphemophagher - The III Command of the Absolute Chaos


I've been blasting this a LOT lately. These guys are the doom band to look out for. Their new album is going to be huge. Can't fucking wait.

Damn that sounds pretty good. Ill definitely be checking out their debut album.


Nine Covens - On The Coming of Darkness. Quite an overlooked release this year. I think it has members of Winterfylleth in it.
Krisiun - The Great Execution
One of the best 2011 DM albums I've listened to.


Archgoat - Heavenly Vulva (Christ's Last Rites)
I was anticipating this and it didn't disappoint me. Not for everyone, fans of Archgoat's latest releases should enjoy it.

They really are an amazing band and that album really is fucking incredible to say the least. Probably one of the most unique and talented bands to emerge in metal ever. Seriously. Shit is groundbreaking.

another thing about Vektor is their guitar tone
It sounds good, and im not sure what amps they use. But it sounds like they have turned the gain down. almost allowing more tone to creap out making even standard powerchords and such sound great.
Most bands these days crank the gain for the brutal sound