Albums currently kicking your ass

Neurosis came from eBay but I think dark descent has it. Unbound terror came from sevared but anyone that carries xtreem music releases should have it.
Awesome, will check 'em out.


Ghostrider - Return of the Ghost

Immense death metal from mexico that sounds fairly finnish. This album was huge when it came out but seems all but forgotten less than three years later. In all seriousness, this is probably one of mexico's greatest death metal albums.

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Fantastic album! I know a lot of people prefer But, What Ends When the Symbols Shatter? but this is actually my favourite Death in June release.

You know, I always want to like Death in June. The visual layout of their albums is invariably amazing. "This is gonna rule!" Then I put the disc in and hit play and JESUS, WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS BULLSHIT CAMPFIRE DATE RAPE ACOUSTIC CHORD STRUMMING?

That said, "Death of the West" is a nifty little tune.
Fantastic album! I know a lot of people prefer But, What Ends When the Symbols Shatter? but this is actually my favourite Death in June release.

I haven't listened to But, what... enough yet to really give it a fair comparison, but I think Rose clouds... has had a more immediate effect on me. Luther's army and 13 years of carrion are two amazing songs. Love the guitar work and his dark, almost whispering voice.