Albums currently kicking your ass

You know, I always want to like Death in June. The visual layout of their albums is invariably amazing. "This is gonna rule!" Then I put the disc in and hit play and JESUS, WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS BULLSHIT CAMPFIRE DATE RAPE ACOUSTIC CHORD STRUMMING?

That said, "Death of the West" is a nifty little tune.

Definitely not a band for everyone.

I really like Death in June. It's dark, bleak, and rich in atmosphere.

It also helps that I first listened to them whilst going for a walk one winter day. The music seemed to really capture the mood and surroundings perfectly.

But really, how can you not like this song:
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Awesome Raw Black Metal.
^I just scored Scenes from Hell on vinyl at a random shop in the cities. 10 US dollars. That albums art work is amazing.

Lord Mantis - Pervertor