Albums currently kicking your ass

Sacramentary Abolishment-River Of Corticone.Their two albums are some of the best stuff ever.Just so happens to be of the bestial/war variety.It's weird how most folk can't get into War metal but love brutal/slam dm,i'm the opposite and can't stand brutal/slam,I guess you need to train your ears to either,they are both quite similar.
Finally arrived in the mail:

I cant wait for the follow up album. Its going to be one of the best doom albums of the year without question.
Fuck you faggots...this is the farthest you could possibly get from gay,you are both gay for making these comments,who gives a fuck about the title/artwork.Dunno about you blokes but I buy albums for the music.

Man, that bestial shit is probably some of the least artistically inspired metal music out there. It's all for show man

Finally arrived in the mail:

I cant wait for the follow up album. Its going to be one of the best doom albums of the year without question.

Whos this?
It's weird how most folk can't get into War metal but love brutal/slam dm,i'm the opposite and can't stand brutal/slam,I guess you need to train your ears to either,they are both quite similar.

I've found that I actually really do like war metal, as long as it's riff heavy and more death metal like Blasphemophager, Proclamation, Embrace of Thorns, Revenge... you get it.

At it's best, the genre reminds me of lo-fi old school death metal... and that's right up my alley.


Bestial Raids - Prime Evil Damnation

This is very cool. Murky old school death with a booklet full of bizarre artwork. And, all at the reasonable price of $5 from NWN.
Most 'war' metal bands worth anything reject the term 'war' metal, or at least don't apply the term to themselves.
I've found that I actually really do like war metal, as long as it's riff heavy and more death metal like Blasphemophager, Proclamation, Embrace of Thorns, Revenge... you get it.

At it's best, the genre reminds me of lo-fi old school death metal... and that's right up my alley.


Bestial Raids - Prime Evil Damnation

This is very cool. Murky old school death with a booklet full of bizarre artwork. And, all at the reasonable price of $5 from NWN.

I still need this,Reversed Black Trinity is great.I can see how some folk don't 'get it' as far as War Metal goes,it's probably the same as how I feel about the brutal/slam bands,to me they all sound the same,it's probably got alot to do with whether or not ones ear is accustomed to the music.I think the term War Metal was coined by critics to define the sound and lyrical content,it seems to fit.