Albums currently kicking your ass


Finntroll - Nifelvind
Pact - The Dragon Lineage of Satan


Great debut album. This is raw, suffocating, fast and furious US Black Metal. Forget the silly artwork and get your ass kicked real hard.


If you like your black metal stifling and hateful, this is some of the best you'll find these days.
Nunfuckritual - In Bondage to the Serpent

I have no idea why every critic hates this album. I seriously love it.
wow, hadn't heard of them but they are awesome.

Fuckin' right dude. Fair warning though, their demo tapes had some... odd vocals. If you're not good with that shriek/squeal sound that some BM bands have, just stick with the album proper and not the 2xLP version, lol.
MOG's been really coming through with the awesome suggestions lately.

Ondskapt - Dodens Evangelium

Hell Militia - Last Station on the Road to Death

Why havent I seen anyone mention these guys?
Ripping old school death that was released in vinyl only last year. Their label finally decided to press cds this year. Did I mention their name is a Bolt Thrower reference and its fairly obvious they fucking love bolt thrower?


If you like this theres no reason at all not to buy it, 10 bucks shipped for the cd or 10 + shipping for the vinyl.